First of all thank you for taking time to help me with my project.
I' ve been working on this project for over half a year and I got a feeling that I will need at the very least another 6 months to finish it so I need to know if it's any good.
I have my doubts.
Presented version is really not polished and barely playable as it is byut i spent last month mostly fixing bugst that come up time and time again and I simply can't wait for feedback anymore.
Feedback that I want to recive is mostly about core gameplay, do you think that this kind of a puzzle game.
I'm open to any suggestions about other stuff but keep in ming that I'm aware everything is buggy and really does not run smoothly.
You create points by clicking on grid intersetion and create lines by dragging mouse to another intersection.
Here are the rules( I hope you can get most of that form in-game experimentation)
If point has no connections (circle) then it is either repulsed or pulled in by every line that it is facing.
If point has one connection (square) then it's not affected by forces
If point has two or more connections (triangle) then it is not accelerated in any direction but it starts shooting new points in the direction that it would otherwise move.
Your forces are black, you enemy is red, green points are supplies and if they collide with any of your points or lines you get aqdditional point to spend on drawing.
Your goal is to remove all red points